Using Weblate without linked vcs repository


April 27, 2022

Disclaimer: This post is a temporary post create during the initialisation of this blog. Do not expect the content to be fully relevant or complete.

Some times ago, I started using Weblate to manage translations in some of my Symfony and Python projects.

I’ve come across a little limitation explained in only one paragraph in the documentation.

What I want to do

I want to be able to create a new translation component without linking it to a VCS repository.

Is that possible?

Yes it’s possible. I just forget how I did it the first time.

How to proceed?

1. Weblate documentation

In the documentation, I found the following paragraph which answer my question:

Option “Upload translations files” visible


2. Other ways

There is two ways to create a new translation component without vcs repository.

Click on Add new translation component and you will see these options:

Options to choose to create component without vcs repository

Choose the one which matches the most your need.