
Why this blog?

I was thinking to start a place when I would just write things.

Here I will write about:

  • what I’ve learned doing my regular work
  • what I’ve learned from others
  • things I stuck on to never again think a lot about them. I may also help others.

This place is also to improve:

  • my knowledge of what I’m writing by going deeper
  • my writing skills
  • my coding/architectural skills
  • etc.

I’m here to improve everything that can be improved to be the best I can be in the IT field.

Finally, it’s a place to:

  • take some note for myself for the future

Interesting stuff I found while reading other blogs, things that can help in my work, etc.

  • easily find my personal achievement

I’m not the type of person who notes everything he did, etc. I’m just a doer. I link doing things and doing them well. Now I’m trying to be a writer also to improve more than just reading, to express my creativity.

Ping me on Twitter or by mail for any feedback.
